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'Take Care' 09.02.23 -19.02.23  is an interactive board game produced for OUTPUT Gallery as part of 'Output Sculpture Open 2023' at The Bridewell Studios. This was developed with With support from FACT Liverpool, and incorporated into a longer term project, Rest Rooms. 

Take Care Board Game at Output Sculpture Open Shot 3.JPG
Take Care Board Game at Output Sculpture Open Shot 1.JPG

Take Care (2023) -OUTPUT Sculpture Open -The Bridewell - Installation View  

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Take Care in 'OUTPUT Sculpture Open' - The Bridewell Gallery

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Take Care Board Game at Output Sculpture Open Shot 4.JPG
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Take Care (2023) - OUTPUT Open Installation

(Background) A Two paneled foldable boardgame created with Jigsaw cut Wood with a painted Clay model scanned & lit within 3D software pasted onto its surface, surrounded by Player point markers.

(Foreground) Airbrush painted Clay models that act as Playing Pieces, A Dice and a Rule Book. 

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Take Care (2023) - Installation shots & 3D render

main game boardBoard in tc_edited.png

'The above is the 'Rule Book' Developed to provide a playable Board Game experience using the artworks. Within the Game one player Plays as the Care Taker character, others as various other inventory items, each with two tiles, all avoiding the Care-Taker. 

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